An Invitation to “Just Breathe”

Just Breathe

Wild Thing IIIIn this exhibit, on display at The Off Track Gallery though March 30, I invite you to “Just Breathe”.   The paintings featured are part of my successful “Sanctuary” series, inspired by the serenity of the Tillman Marsh in upstate New York.  It’s a terrific place to meditate, relax and for me, to draw and take photos.

Wild Thing IV2Wild Thing III” and “Wild Thing IV” portray the marsh during mid-summer.  The “Wild Thing” refers to the tree on the left side which always seems to want to go in its own direction, no matter what the season.

BlueMarshSanctuary27The analogous color schemes of “Blue Marsh” and “Sanctuary 27” invite you to meditate on the tranquility and mystery of the settings.  The Canada Geese which are common to the area are often featured in this series and have become a symbol of the place for me.

TillmanWildWishboneTillman Wild and “Wishbone” render the colorful and lush plant life of the marsh, abundant, despite the harsh winters of the area.